
Support Kelly McCauley in Edmonton West

Donations made to the Edmonton West Conservative Association are used to promote the Conservative message in Edmonton West and to assist Kelly McCauley between elections and will be transferred to Kelly's Election Campaign during the next election campaign.  

In 2024 Canadians may contribute up to $1,725 annually to the Edmonton West Conservative Association and $1,725 to the Conservative Party of Canada and a further $1,725 to a Federal Leadership Candidate. A Kelly McCauley Election Campaign can accept Donations only during an election campaign. We encourage you to donate at all levels, but our preference is that you support Kelly McCauley through the Edmonton West Conservative Association.

Political Donations result in a Tax Credit on your 2024 tax return of up to 75% of the amount of your Donation. A $100 donation results in a $75 refund (your net cost is $25),  and $400 results in a $300 refund (your net cost $100).  The maximum donation in a year of $1,725 results in a $650 refund. Here are some examples of tax credits for political donations:                                    

Donation: Tax Credit: Actual Cost:
$50 $37.50 $12.50
$100 $75 $25
$400 $300 $100
$750 $475 $275
$1,725 $650 $1,075

New - Recurring Monthly Donations are now accepted

Official tax receipts for 2024 donations are issued by Edmonton West Conservative Association in February 2025.